Auteur Topic: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon  (gelezen 3474 keer)

Offline Lorelei

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Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Gepost op: 18-02-2004, 06:49:07 »
Post hier je  - al dan niet stille..   ::tandpastasmiley::  - protest !!

Tegen iets , iemand of niets..   duiveladvocatisch, politiek (in)correct of diepgaand oppervlakkig - alles mag !!  ::ok::
« Laatst bewerkt op: 18-02-2004, 11:30:21 door Lorelei »
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 18-02-2004, 07:10:34 »
Deze is voor de domste bosje-man - en de mens   :\'(    >:( 


Bosjes bronnen melden
dat olie kruipt
waar het niet gaan kan
zwartgallig goud

koortsig delirium
delven we naar meer
ijlen onverwijld

Als kwade assen
benige lijven
kale oogkassen
lenige wijven

Alle opdrogen
tonen we
misschien mededogen

Als al het bloed gelekt is
Zullen we het geloven

« Laatst bewerkt op: 18-02-2004, 11:28:38 door Lorelei »
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #2 Gepost op: 18-02-2004, 11:41:22 »
Hairpeace hippy,  hair piece happy ! Bellybutton piercing sappy !  ;) ::bravo:: Gotta love J_Yo !  ::tandpastasmiley::

savvy savours the bold !
« Laatst bewerkt op: 18-02-2004, 11:45:14 door Lorelei »
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 19-02-2004, 22:01:23 »
A song from a while ago, but sadly still relevant (and maybe it always will be..)


Mijnheer de president, welterusten.
Slaap maar lekker in je mooie witte huis.
Denk maar niet te veel aan al die verre kusten
waar uw jongens zitten, eenzaam, ver van thuis.
Denk vooral niet aan die zesenveertig doden,
die vergissing laatst met dat bombardement.
En vergeet het vierde van die tien geboden
die u als goed christen zeker kent.

Denk maar niet aan al die jonge frontsoldaten
eenzaam stervend in de verre tropennacht.
Laat die weke pacifistenkliek maar praten,
mijnheer de president, slaap zacht.

Droom maar van de overwinning en de zege,
droom maar van uw mooie vredesideaal
dat nog nooit door bloedig moorden is verkregen,
droom maar dat het u wel lukken zal dit maal.
Denk maar niet aan al die mensen die verrekken,
hoeveel vrouwen, hoeveel kinderen zijn vermoord.
Droom maar dat u aan het langste eind zult trekken
en geloof van al die tegenstand geen woord.

Bajonetten met bloedige gevesten
houden ver van hier op uw bevel de wacht
voor de glorie en de eer van het vrije westen.
Mijnheer de president, slaap zacht.

Schrik maar niet te erg wanneer u in uw dromen
al die schuldeloze slachtoffers ziet staan
die daarginds bij het gevecht zijn omgekomen
en u vragen hoe lang dit nog zo moet gaan.
En u zult toch ook zo langzaamaan wel weten
dat er mensen zijn die ziek zijn van geweld,
die het bloed en de ellende niet vergeten
en voor wie nog steeds een mensenleven telt.

Droom maar niet te veel van al die dode mensen,
droom maar fijn van overwinning en van macht.
Denk maar niet aan al die vredeswensen.
Mijnheer de president, slaap zacht.

Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 19-02-2004, 22:07:16 »
Ik protesteer tegen de lange herfst en winter! Wil bij deze een motie indienen voor een wetsvoorstel die de  invoering van een volgende herverdeling  behelst:

1 maand herfst (het mag dan wel erg veel regenen en echt herfstig zijn maar daarna is het echt over!)
1 maand echte winter (met sneeuw en echte vrieskou en ijs)
(misschien twee als mensen er echt voor zijn..)
4 maanden lente
6 maanden zomer (met minimum van 80% zonkans dagelijks) .

Tevens voorstel voor geen  bezuiniging  op deze maatregel voor de eerstkomende 20 jaar.

 Stem ZDA !! (Zomer Democratisch Appel)
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 26-02-2004, 13:41:15 »
Hmm heeft niemand hier iets waartegen hij/ zij protesteert..? ::oink::

What a blissful life we all must have ..  ;)

Ook niet tegen die vervelende onruststokers en oproerkraaiers ?

Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 26-02-2004, 17:16:09 »
On self-importance, denial , arrogance and (self-) destruction

40 seconds of Man

The clouds, in winter, wisp over his crown,
Blow over themselves and tumble about
In pallid white patches and boarish shouts,
His mouth overflows and the smoke pours out
In clouds of winter and wisp near the ground.

The cigarette, now dying and grasping life,
Straight on the tip of his hand and fingers,
Again is drawn to his mouth, and lingers,
The soapy moisture on his lips, the bringer
Of nearer extinction, so vain the strife.

Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline lebon simon

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 26-02-2004, 18:30:19 »
Bob Dylan
The times they are a-changin'

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside
And it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin'.
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin'.

Offline lebon simon

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #8 Gepost op: 26-02-2004, 18:39:51 »
FERRE GRIGNARD  Belgische protestzanger uit de sixties

Don't cry my baby
don't cry all the while
don't cry my baby
just give me a smile
seen my daddy die in the war
seen my mamma die cryin' for

Ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing
a-ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing

They call me a hounddog
they call me a swine
it's all because of my color
for their war though I'm fine

Dee dum dee dum
Ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing
a-ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing

They're talkin' 'bout freedom
of religion and race
but if you're a negro
they slap you in the face

Ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing
a-ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing

So what's the use fightin' for
that sacred democracy
when Ku Klux Klan murd'rers
are going scot-free

Ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing
a-ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing

But I'm still happy
so don't cry, my babe
together we'll strife for
bein' free people some day

Ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing
a-ring-a a-ring-a
but I've got to sing

dum dah dah dee yay-ay
dee dum dah dah dee day
dee dum dah dah dee day-ay
dee dum dah dah dee yay

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #9 Gepost op: 28-02-2004, 11:15:06 »
hij legt de wapens neer
maar oh
welk een woede
woedt er nog in zijn hart
duurt de oorlog nog voort
daar sneuvelen daaglijks nog duizenden
in zijn blikken
de bitterheid van die strijd
al zijn woorden zijn
verhulde kreten van pijn
zijn tanden vormen de zerken
van een massagraf
hij lacht
hij toont zijn doden

- Willem Adriaans Adelaar -
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Cora Bora

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #10 Gepost op: 28-02-2004, 15:12:31 »

tegen!  >:(

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #11 Gepost op: 2-03-2004, 08:53:27 »
Ja... zeker tegen !!  >:( :\'(

En hier ook tegen..!!
Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline Lorelei

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #12 Gepost op: 6-03-2004, 21:26:18 »
The Icerose  - Sheila Francis     :\'(

A pure white rose did come to bloom,
Upon the surface of the moon,
It flourished in the icy air,
Its beauty banished dark despaire,
Its name was innocence.

On earth a baby harp seal plays,
His mother close beside him stays,
Protectively beside him lays,
While he enjoys his newborn days,
Rolling over and over again,
On the perfect, pristine plane,
Ice crystals sparkle; diamond white,
Such brilliant beauty blinds the sight.

Beneath the icefloes, shadows dance,
Satin coated seals advance,
Through a piercing sunlight lance,
They captivate and entrance,
Through underwater caverns race,
With exquisite gliding grace,
Ice gems glisten changing hue;
Emerald green and sapphire blue.
The surface breaks, a head pops up,
Central to the icy cup,
The mother with her baby pup,
Rolls on her side for him to sup,
He feeds, then basks a little more,
Fluffy white fur; a sunshines store,
His wide expressive eyes reflect,
A world of wonder to inspect,

Cotton bud clouds, baby blue skys,
Suddenly a man with iceberg eyes,
Thud! A hakapik cracks his skull;
Another victim of the cull,
Trambling violently to cling to life,
His stomach torn open with a knife,
The vivid virgin white ... turns red,
In agony he screams till dead.

Words seem useless; silence worse,
All pleasure born of pain; perverse,
A carcass is slowly dragged away,
A rose did bloom... and die today,
Its name was innocence. ....

Entangled in temptation, seduction aims to embrace you

Offline lebon simon

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #13 Gepost op: 6-03-2004, 23:47:31 »
Yousou N'Dour & Neneh Cherry - 7 seconds

°Yousou N'Dour singing in his mother tongue;

Boul ma sene, boul ma guiss madi re nga fokni mane
Khamouma li neka thi sama souf ak thi guinaw
Beugouma kouma khol oaldine yaw li neka si yaw
mo ne si man, li ne si mane moye dilene diapale

°Neneh Cherry taking over here;

Roughneck and rudeness,
We should be using, on the ones who practice wicked charms
For the sword and the stone
Bad to the bone
Battle is not over
Even when it's won
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting X3

°Youssou N'Dour again, singing in french(translated in english by "The SenSeï");

-j'assume les raisons qui nous poussent de changer tout,
I assume the resons's that leads us to change everything,

-J'aimerais qu'on oublie leur couleur pour qu'ils esperent
I'd wich we would forget their color so they can hope

-Beaucoup de sentiments de races qui font qu'ils desesperent
lots of sensations(or fellings) lots of races that leads them to despair

-Je veux les portes grandements ouvertes,
I wan't the doors wide open,

-Des amis pour parler de leur peine, de leur joie
friends to talk about theire sorrow, about theire joy
("peine" is sorrow, sadness trouble, difficulty or can be a criminal sentence

-Pour qu'ils leur filent des infos qui ne divisent pas
so they can give'em infos that do not divide(scatter)


°Neneh Cherry as lead vocals henceforth;

7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting X3
And when a child is born into this world
It has no concept
Of the tone the skin is living in
And there's a million voices
And there's a million voices
To tell you what she should be thinking
So you better sober up for just a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting
It's not a second
7 seconds away
Just as long as I stay
I'll be waiting

Offline lebon simon

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #14 Gepost op: 8-03-2004, 00:07:28 »
Neil Young - Pocahontas

Aurora borealis
The icy sky at night
Paddles cut the water
In a long and hurried flight
From the white man
to the fields of green
And the homeland
we've never seen.

They killed us in our tepee
And they cut our women down
They might have left some babies
Cryin' on the ground
But the firesticks
and the wagons come
And the night falls
on the setting sun.

They massacred the buffalo
Kitty corner from the bank
The taxis run across my feet
And my eyes have turned to blanks
In my little box
at the top of the stairs
With my Indian rug
and a pipe to share.

I wish a was a trapper
I would give thousand pelts
To sleep with Pocahontas
And find out how she felt
In the mornin'
on the fields of green
In the homeland
we've never seen.

And maybe Marlon Brando
Will be there by the fire
We'll sit and talk of Hollywood
And the good things there for hire
And the Astrodome
and the first tepee
Marlon Brando, Pocahontas and me
Marlon Brando, Pocahontas and me

Offline lebon simon

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Re: Tegen! : Zus Antagoon
« Reactie #15 Gepost op: 21-07-2004, 21:58:51 »
Strange Fruit
Billie Holiday

Southern trees bear strange fruit
Blood on the leaves
Blood at the root
Black bodies swinging in the southern breeze
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
Pastoral scene of the gallant south
The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth
The scent of magnolia sweet and fresh
Then the sudden smell of burning flesh
Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck
for the rain to gather
for the wind to suck
for the sun to rot
for the tree to drop
Here is a strange and bitter crop