Ik heb de test op die site van Robbie ook maar eens gedaan, en mijn uitslag is...
The Celebrity Matchmaker
Marielle, your match is Matthew McConaughey!
Yee haw! Congratulations, y'all — Texas charmer Matthew McConaughey is your celebrity match. Blond and beautiful, this laid-back good ol' boy has a melt-your-heart smile and soulful eyes. He's a fast-talker who sees himself as a salesman — doubt he'd have to try very hard to sell himself to you! Read more about your celebrity match...
Hoewel ik het er niet echt mee eens ben...
Nu die andere...
Score! Your celebrity match is Prince William!
People already look to you for friendship and advice (of course, you're a natural leader). So just imagine how they'll flock when they know you've been matched with Prince William himself! Read more about your celebrity match...