Facebook uses offline purchases to target ads![](http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/assets/130410151142-facebook-targeted-ads-620xa.jpg)
CNN - If you head to a department store to buy a pair of jeans, you might start seeing a lot of ads for pants on Facebook. For the first time, Facebook ads will target specific users based on their past buying history -- even if the purchases happened offline. Facebook unveiled the new feature for advertisers, called "Partner Categories," on Wednesday.
The feature works with information from massive consumer data companies Acxiom (ACXM), DataLogix and Epsilon. These are companies that know all about you: your income level, your online activity, your Social Security number, what you've bought recently, and even whether you've served time in prison.
Facebook (FB) Partner Categories matches the social network's user-generated data with the information from the data companies to create dossiers on its users. Facebook then groups those specific users into categories like "people who are heavy buyers of frozen foods," and advertisers can serve ads to those curated groups.
(...) nouja, et cetera.
http://money.cnn.com/2013/04/10/technology/social/facebook-offline-ad-target/index.htmlJe zou toch bijna bitcoins gaan kopen.