Auteur Topic: Survivor 19: Samoa  (gelezen 145646 keer)

Offline Robbieazerty

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Survivor 19: Samoa
« Gepost op: 23-07-2009, 20:20:19 »

Survivor 19: Samoa

Dit negentiende seizoen van Survivor bevat volgens CBS "the biggest villain ever" (de grootste schurk ooit). Er doen niet minder dan twintig kandidaten mee!

Vanaf 18 september zal de reeks via de bekende wegen te downloaden zijn. Ik vermoed niet dat hij ook al meteen op youtube zal  staan, maar we houden het in de gaten!

Voor meer info over de kandidaten, een trailer en een tipje van de sluier kan je terecht op de Survivor 19: Samoa pagina.

Dit najaar kan je in dit topic terecht om te discussiëren over dit negentiende seizoen! Of nu ook al om het over de kandidaten te hebben natuurlijk :)
« Laatst bewerkt op: 27-08-2009, 20:15:04 door Robbieazerty »

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #1 Gepost op: 30-07-2009, 11:16:22 »
oo dat is al weer lekker snel :D
Heb er echt zin in!

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #3 Gepost op: 27-08-2009, 20:53:48 »
Ziet er leuk uit. Lekker veel verschillende mensen.

Offline Phraser

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #4 Gepost op: 27-08-2009, 21:22:38 »
De preview ziet er weer top uit.

Dit is alweer het 19e seizoen. En ik moet elke keer toch weer concluderen dat het concept gewoon ijzersterk is. Aan het concept is in survivor is na die 19e seizoen nog weinig veranderd. Daar kan ER nog een puntje aan zuigen  ::tandpastasmiley:: Hier hebben ze geen 100 deelnemers of alleen maar vrouwen nodig om er een nieuwe impuls aan te geven. Het programma vind elke keer weer het wiel uit  ::jaja::

Ik ben benieuwd waar ze dit jaar mee komen. Aangezien er dit jaar 20 deelnemers zijn, zullen we vast wel een paar dubbele trouble councils zien.

Zicht, was het maar 17 september.
« Laatst bewerkt op: 27-08-2009, 21:28:36 door Phraser »

Offline Sprien

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #5 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 00:32:02 »
Ben begonnen bij seizoen 1 maar vond dat zo saai gemonteerd en de kandidaten zo slaapverwekkend...

Maar nu ga ik het opnieuw proberen, met dit seizoen. Ben benieuwd.

Wel meer kandidaten dan "normaal". Dan zullen het ook vast meer aflevering zijn. Slim, CBS kan wel wat grote aantallen kijkers gebruiken.
The sun came up and reality set in.

Offline Robbieazerty

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #6 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 09:31:04 »
Toendertijd was die 1e reeks heel goed, maar intussen zijn we al vanalles gewend in reality tv enzo. De latere reeksen vind ik toch ook wel beter.

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #7 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 10:42:15 »
ik vind de latere reeksen ook leuker. Als je nog niet veel gekeken hebt dus kun je beter niet beginnen met seizoen 1. Maar met de recentere seizoenen.
Heb ik ook gedaan, en ben je bezig om alle seizoenen te kijken.

Offline TheeZakje

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #8 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 13:17:28 »
Nou ik ben gewoon begonnen met seizoen 1  ::tandpastasmiley:: Dat beviel me prima! Toen was Gabon net bezig geloof ik. Heb nu alles al gezien :)

Kan ook niet wachten op deze nieuwe!

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #9 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 18:30:55 »
Bring it on! Het kan niet snel genoeg weer beginnen, ik ben benieuwd of de zogenaamde 'super villain' werkelijk ten tonele zal verschijnen of dat het een slecht aftreksel van Fairplay gaat worden.
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline honeymaker

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #10 Gepost op: 28-08-2009, 22:12:17 »
En ik ben ook weer terug. Heb helemaal zin in het nieuwe seizoen!

De Survivor-crew lijkt geïnspireerd door Lost  ;D
(let op: spoiler naar Survivor China & Tocantins!)
« Laatst bewerkt op: 28-08-2009, 22:21:10 door honeymaker »

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #11 Gepost op: 31-08-2009, 12:48:02 »
Een interview van IGN met Jeff Probst waarin onder andere dieper wordt ingegaan op Survivor Samoa. Er staat een kleine spoiler in betreffende het spelverloop, indien je helemaal niks wenst te weten over het spelverloop kan je beter het eerste antwoord van Probst overslaan.

IGN TV: What can you say about Survivor: Samoa?

Jeff Probst: A very aggressive season from the participants and from Samoa. We lost a couple of people to evacuations and we emerged with, I think, one of the most notorious villains. When you think about how many years we've been on, to break into that ranking… you gotta play. And this person said from day one, "I'm coming here to tear it up and either go home early or I'm gonna be here late, but nowhere in between." And they lived up to their word!

IGN: It's always funny seeing who is designated a hero or villain, since to do well in the game, you almost always have to manipulate to some extent. Yau-Man for instance was a manipulator of sorts, but we all loved him. Does it have a lot to do with what persona you put behind that manipulation?

Probst: Yeah. I think it's a really tough challenge. How do you play a game in which you have to vote people out, which is really annoying to that person, and then get them to give you a million dollars? How do you do that? And it's tough for a villain to do that, because people get pissed off, and the game doesn't have enough space between the time you're voted out and when you vote [for the winner]. It happens very quickly, so you're still mad. I think if we voted six months later, we'd have different results. I think people would watch the show and go, "You know what? He was kind of a chump, but man did he play me and I respect him." What happens often in the show is you vote for the person who you hate the least.

IGN: What did you think about this past season? I think most of us thought JT would win, but did you see his sweep coming?

Probst: No. Although I knew he was going to win when Stephen set him up when [Stephen's] question was, "Would you have taken JT to the end?" and he said no. And JT did one of the greatest acting performances, acting hurt. Later he told me, "I knew he wasn't going to take me. That didn't affect me. He'd be crazy to take me. I made the jury feel like it was a betrayal of epic proportions."

IGN: You have a situation like JT and Stephen where they are still great friends, and left all of that in the game. But then you have someone like Lex who felt so personally betrayed by Rob and basically wouldn't talk to him afterwards because of something that happened in the game. Is it funny for you to see how differently people react?

Probst: Most people keep the game the game. I think Lex is more the exception to the rule. Lex got played and if he read that he would get annoyed with me again. He got played! That's it. And enough time has gone by where you have to say, "I fell for it. F**k, I'm pissed! I wish I hadn't, but I did." Because I usually say to people out there that the truth of what tends to happen is that you think you've made a friendship out here and you don't want to hurt their feelings. Meanwhile, they're going to stab you in the back.

When it's all said and done, pretty much everybody gets along. So stab when you need to stab. Pull the knife out and stab them! That's the game. And everybody gets over it. They go to these fundraisers, have a couple of beers and they go, "F**k, I still like you." People have lost out at having a shot at the million dollars because they say things like, "I can't do it! He's my friend!"

He's not your friend! What are you, nuts?
"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Goyathlay

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #12 Gepost op: 31-08-2009, 12:48:32 »
IGN: When you have a guy like Coach, you must know that whatever you personally feel like him…

Probst: …Gold!

IGN: [Laughs] Gold, yeah.

Probst: Absolute gold. And I knew… In the casting room, you knew Coach was gold. All you hope is that he lasts long enough to give you dividends on that. All those guys… Tyson. All the memorable people are memorable because they're compelling. They're the person that will say something at tribal council.

There's always a couple of people where at the first tribal council, I'll ask them a question and they'll say, "Gee, I don't know, Jeff" – which is kind of telling me, "I'm not going to say anything." To which I usually reply, "'I don't know' ain't gonna cut it. Listen, if you want to lie to me, go ahead. But 'I don't know' won't work." And then the other thing you do is say, "Fine, I won't ask you anything. I don't know why you signed up on a TV show if you don't want to talk." And man, that gets them raising their hands.

A guy like Coach, he knows, "If I give you something, you'll come to me. The more you come to me, the more I'm on the show." One hand feeds the other.

IGN: There are some strong rumors, to say the least, about next spring's installment – including Richard Hatch and his non-involvement. Can you comment on that at all?

Probst: Well, Hatch would be great to have. I mean, if Survivor is a car, he's our hood ornament. But if you're a judge, are you going to let a guy who owes the country half a million dollars flee the country to go be on a game show… and maybe never come back? I think it's a long shot for him. But in terms of something on our 10th anniversary, we gotta do something different. It's our 20th season! And there's a lot of ideas floating out there, but we settled on one and we're very happy with it. We're excited to get on it.

IGN: I was a big fan of Survivor: Micronesia. It seemed at the beginning that it was going to just be so lopsided, with the favorites so much better than the fans. Were you happy with how that played out, especially with those amazing blindsides, one after the other?

Probst: I love that season. And I gotta say, Parvati… She earned it! Parvati engineered an amazing game. And kind of like Amber, it's a little easy to dismiss the really hot girl as getting lucky. But she played a good game. I was impressed. And yeah, from a storytelling point of view, having all those blindsides, and the fake idol… "This isn't an idol, it's a stick!"

IGN: I love how candid you are in your blogs, but as a longtime fan, I have to ask – why are you so tough on Survivor: Fiji? Personally, I feel like that season started bad, but then the second half, with Dreamz and Yau-Man, really got fun.

Probst: You know, it's really just a personal preference. I didn't like Fiji. I didn't like where we were. I didn't like the way it played. I remember when Dreamz made the decision to keep the car, I thought, man… I wanted to get in his ear and say, "You're making the most short sighted move of your life." And my feeling was, "I really don't like this season." Earl's a nice guy, but not a great winner. He's not a memorable winner. Yau-Man is incredible… I didn't really like Survivor: Thailand either. I thought Brian was probably our worst winner, just because he was really kind of slimy.

IGN: I'm with you on that one.

Probst: And then I used to say I didn't like [Survivor] Africa - the first Africa season, in Kenya. And then I meet people who are like, "Are you kidding?! That's one of my favorite seasons! Big Tom and Ethan!" It's personal… But I still don't like Fiji! 
IGN: So, how would you rank Samoa?

Probst: Well, here's the thing. After [Survivor:] Gabon and [Survivor] Tocantins, I thought Tocantins would be one of our most favorite and Gabon would be an also-ran. It turned out the audience really liked Gabon and I think they thought Tocantins was okay. So I might be done predicting! Because I'm not right very often! I can say about Samoa that there are some extremely memorable moments. I can think of four right off the top of my head where when it's over, you'll go, "Yep, yep, yep, yep!" And one of our most compelling characters, out of 300 some people that have played. So that's what I would say.

"I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures."

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #13 Gepost op: 31-08-2009, 13:11:18 »
Hij is best gemeen over sommige mensen :P.
Wel grappig, want als je de seizoenen kijkt zie je niet hoe hij denkt over sommige mensen.

Offline reaver

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #14 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 17:29:44 »
Hij geeft wel aan wat hij wil.

Na het kijken van de Survivor reeksen heb ik wel een heel andere kijk op het spel zo ook op ER.  Het spel dat Hans en Yin vorig jaar gespeeld hebben zou wel meer geaccepteerd worden in Amerika...

Offline Vieffan

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #15 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 19:16:17 »
Ja inderdaad. Ik zie ER en survivor eigenlijk als twee verschillende programma's. ER gaat meer over het overleven van de natuur en survivor meer over het overleven van het sociale spel.
survivor vind ik veel leuker.

Heb je echt Buff's?)

Offline Robbieazerty

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #16 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 19:25:00 »
De mensen die tactisch spelen worden in ER al snel als de boosdoeners weergegeven. Dat is wel jammer, want zo blijft het naar mijn mening een miss/mister Survival verkiezing dan een spel. Altijd dat gedoe van "Ik stem de sterkste er niet uit want hij is Robinsonwaardig." komt me de oren uit.

Offline TheeZakje

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #17 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 19:31:53 »
Survivor is gewoon veel beter!  ;)

Offline honeymaker

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #18 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 20:48:26 »
Altijd dat gedoe van "Ik stem de sterkste er niet uit want hij is Robinsonwaardig." komt me de oren uit.
::jaja:: ::ok:: ::ok::

Het grappige is ook dat ze in Amerika spreken van een alliantie en in Nederland/Vlaanderen van een complot. Dat heeft toch net een iets andere bijklank.

Overigens zou ik na seizoenen als Australian Outback en Guatemala niet willen zeggen dat het 'overleven' minder belangrijk is dan het sociale spel. Tenzij je het over het stemgedrag hebt. Dan wordt bij ER wel altijd weer dat vervloekte woord 'Robinsonwaardig' genoemd. Ik vraag me nog steeds af waar het verschil zit:

- de hoeveelheid geld die op het spel staat?
- de Amerikaanse versus de Nederlandse/Vlaamse mentaliteit?
- de productie, die door de montage stemafspraken als duivels afschildert?

Survivor is immers vanaf seizoen 1: Outwit, Outplay, Outlast!

Offline Sprien

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Re: Survivor 19: Samoa
« Reactie #19 Gepost op: 1-09-2009, 20:54:48 »
Het grappige is ook dat ze in Amerika spreken van een alliantie en in Nederland/Vlaanderen van een complot. Dat heeft toch net een iets andere bijklank.

Al is dat in realitytvtaal natuurlijk wel hetzelfde, maar ik snap je punt.
The sun came up and reality set in.