Due to the differences in timezone (and also the language barrier!) I won't be able to participate in the live chat, however I have several questions:
- Why did Lennart not bring a suit for the final even though he's guaranteed to participate till the very end? Is there any significance to this? Maybe to deceive the viewers into thinking that he's not the mole because he "forgot" to bring the suit?
- Why did you guys decide not to announce the tie on the final this time as opposed to in the 2016 season? Also why did you guys chose to not use the time spent doing the test as a tie breaker on the final test and decided to prepare additional questions instead?
- Do you guys ever adjust the stake of future challenges based on the current pot amount?
- What was the best "improvisation" that has ever been done (and made it into the show) due to unexpected circumstances (if there are any)?
- Throughout several seasons we have seen that some challenges took place in abandoned buildings or places that doesn't seem to be generally open for public, how do you guys even find these places and get the permit to shoot there?
- Do you guys experience any unexpected difficulties because for the first time ever an animal (Isidoor) participated in this season?
Also thank you to De Mol team for the amazing season once again and to the forum mods for organizing this chat! Greetings from an international fan